How does one deal with the eccentricities of a walking, breathing piece of history? What would you do if confronted with evidence that you had discovered a “Founding Father” and his lost essays, both of which were nearly 250 years old? For the author, Professor Robert Sielschott, just such a discovery led to a year and a half of living with history itself. In his book Founding Father, you will be enchanted by the life and wisdom of Colonel Erasmus Milton, who while ignored by history participated in every pivotal event of the founding of the nation. His life, adventures, and wonderful “Tacitus Essays” may well define for you the meaning of the title Founding Father. Here are samples of the rediscovered wisdom found in Colonel Milton’s amazing “Tacitus Essays;” • “Who can doubt that the decline in national morality and our judiciary’s war against religion have not corresponded?”• “We are all Americans, all of us from somewhere else, and whether on the Mayflower itself or in the belly of a wretched slave ship, we are better off for our ancestors having come here.”• “For no man is free who must depend upon the government for his daily bread.”• “There may be no greater good to society than the coupling of an honorable man and woman in the creation of this wellspring of good citizens we call ‘family.’”• “It seems at times our Judges leave the loving bosom of their spouse ‘The Law,’ and sleep instead with the harlots of personal opinion and public political approval.”• “What could be more heartless than to convert our government to a giant wet nurse, then addict the people to her milk laden breasts. Having destroyed not just our ability to earn our own way with work and merit, but even our desire to do so, can she not then order us about like a dominating, all powerful bitch?”