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About The Book
Have you suffered from a collapse in your mental health and you feel like no one really understands what you are experiencing?Do you need inspiration that recovery is possible?Have you ever wondered if there are any other resources that could aid you in navigating your mental health challenges from shadows to light that could compliment medications and traditional therapy?Are you a caregiver or a professional who supports people who struggle with their mental health and would like to know more about a mind-body-emotions-spirit approach to helping someone rediscover momentum in their life?You are in the right place.From Shadows to Light is a compilation of the voices of 11 co-authors who courageously share their own mental health journeys challenging stigma by speaking out.Each author shares about their personal initiation of mental health challenges the lessons they learned and alternative approaches to recovery and maintaining their well-being.Come join us through the visionary pages of From Shadows to Light where you will be taken through topics such as nutrition and brain-gut health trauma and PTSD recovery workplace psychological safety mental health advocacy and the wisdom of a multidisciplinary whole human approach to mental wellness that considers the mind body emotions and spirit of the individual.All 12 co-authors currently live in Alberta Canada and are advocating for systemic reforms in mental health care in Canada and beyond.Featuring: - Dr. Christina Bjorndal- Mike & Lisa Adams- Kimmy Krochak- Cinnamon Cranston- Cindy Klamn-Conway- Vireo Karvonen- Marilyn Brighteyes- Katrina Breau- Ruthann Weeks- And Compiler Olivia Kachman