Father, I believe you instructed me to write this book, not for my glory, (as I have none, except that which you give to me), but for your Glory. Lord that it will teach us that it is not what we think or feel that others think of us, but Lord, that is how we should react to the situations around us, be they real or imagined. That we should have our minds renewed and walk in YOUR SPIRIT at all times. Father, that we should stay filled with your Spirit and always act and react in love to others.. I pray everything written in this book will be a blessing to all who read it. To strengthen their faith and draw them closer to you. All the glory, honor and praise goes to you Father. You are the LORD OF LORDS, KING OF KINGS, my savior, the Lord of my life, my soon coming Kind and Eternal Bridegroom, I love you, honor you, adore you and I thank you, Jesus, for loving me, even when I was unlovable. And I thank you for choosing me to be yours. Amen.