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About The Book
<b>There are two Men of Steel.</b><br><br>With Clark Kent on the distant planet Warworld fighting for his life and the freedom of others Jonathan Kent is trying to fill the super-sized shoes left behind. And what decision will Jonathan Kent make that attracts the attention of his cousin Kara Zor-El a.k.a. Supergirl?<br><br>Collects <i>Future State: Superman of Metropolis </i>#1-2 <i>Future State: Worlds at War </i>#1-2 <i>Future State: Superman vs. Imperious Lex</i> #1-2 <i>Future State: Kara Zor-El Superwoman</i> #1-2 <i>Future State: Legion 5000</i> #1-2 and <i>Future State: House of El</i> #1.<br><br>DC Future State spotlights the World's Greatest Super Heroes in fresh new roles with all-new characters taking up their iconic mantles. DC Future State features an incredible array of creative talent combining award-winning writers and artists with new voices from the worlds of TV movies and animation. Discover the DC Universe like never before!