Gaming Addiction: Online Addiction: Internet Addiction: How To Overcome Video Game Internet And Online Addiction (Relief & Treatments for Video Gaming Online)
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About The Book
Are you addicted to playing digital games?Whether you want to (1) reclaim your life (2) help a friend who is addicted to gaming or (3) just understand the dangers of online gaming and how to minimize them this book will teach you everything you need to know.Every addiction has its consequences.There are negative consequences to a gaming addiction. This book will help you fully comprehend the problems and learn how to help yourself or others break out of the addiction. Free yourself or others from unproductive behavior so life can be healthy and enjoyable again.Get some perspective on your gaming addiction.Online gaming is fun theres no doubt about it! Gaming can help you explore your personality enhance your creativity and sharpen your problem-solving skills. However if your virtual reality starts to damage your real-life interactions and health then you have a problem. That is what this book is designed to address. I wrote Gaming Addiction for the purpose of guiding you through the process of evaluating your gaming activities to determine what is helping you and what aspects of your game of choice are actually messing up your life. I know I know gaming is your life! But is it a life that will lead to good things or will it ultimately take you to a place you dont want to go? There is a healthy balance that can be attained.Get the best out of both worlds.You can get what you want out of life yes real life. It is possible to continue to play online and still have a happy family loving relationships meaningful work and delightful social experiences. The challenge is not letting the draw of the game overpower what you know you need to do and who you want to be. Its not healthy to spend all your time checked out from real life; some of the time its okay to escape but remember: while youre escaping from your life theres nobody else out there who will live it for you.Gaming as AvoidanceI get it. Sometimes life is just too harsh. We sometimes just need to get away. Yet if you find yourself escaping to a virtual world to the point that you use your avatar more often than your real name youre in trouble. For those of us who dont feel 100% confident around other people 100% of the time its easier to just camp out in an alternate universe. However its equally important to resist the temptation to spend all of your time there. While gaming can help improve social interaction (at least virtually) you need real world social interactions to truly grow and develop as a person. You also need real life social interaction to help avoid getting depressed. In this book I offer a variety ways you can take steps to interact without hiding behind an avatar.What Will You Discover About Gaming Addictions?An overview of online gaming addiction so you can better understand it.The physical and social risks associated with gaming addiction.The best treatments to break your addiction.How you can help someone who is addicted.The impact of long hours of gaming on your body and your mind.You Will Also Learn: How I kicked the addiction and you can too.How gaming as a form of self-medication can backfire.The connection between gaming addiction and eating disorders.Practical easy-to-follow instructions for gaining control of your gaming life.You can enjoy a truly full and enjoyable life again.Set yourself free: Buy It Now!