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About The Book
Introduction/PART ONE: COMING INTO BEING: THE CONTINUITY OF THE LIFE PROCESS/Birth and the Incomprehensible Wonder of Existence/Materiality/Sexual Differentiation and Otherness/Language/PART TWO: SOCIAL LIFE AND THE ORGANISATION OF SOCIETY/The Nature of Society/Social Bonding and Communication/Religion and the Sacred/Taboo and Transgression/Expenditure and Sacrifice/Exchange and the Commodification of the Economy/PART THREE: HUMAN BECOMING/Work and Play/Sexual Attraction/Eroticism and the Urge towards Death/Sickness and Laughter/Mastery and Servitude/Meditation and Inner Experience/PART FOUR: SOVEREIGNTY AND THE IMPOSSIBLE/Writing and Reading/Literature and Art/Confrontations with the World/Knowing and Un-Knowing/Sovereignty/Death/The Impossible