Geospatial Information Support for Power Projects


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About The Book

This book is written to help students researchers and officials of energy sector approach the field of remote sensing and geographical information system applications for power/energy sector from a new angle. It help to better understand the application of remote sensing and geographical information system for Power Generation Distribution and Power transmission Sectors. The matter incorporated in this book are the findings of projects done for energy sector. The Geospatial information of all the three sectors of power Generation Distribution and Transmission to develop a Geographical Information System that may integrate all the information on one platform. Remote Sensing An eye on the World is an approach or technique to understand not only the Earth but also the other planets of solar system and the galaxies. So it is the need to understand the remote sensing and geographical system that keeps the records in better way for analysis planning and support. Today most of the communicating devices are using remote sensing for better performance and these devices are helping the world in globalization of powers keeping transparency in acts identifying locations controlling disasters planning for new developments weather forecast geo-studies defense  systems communications broadcasting and many more other fields remote sensing is proven as a boon. The book is containing seven chapters each chapter bears the thorough information of the subject.
