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About The Book

<p><span>Straight-Shooting Advice for Lasting Love </span><br /><span>Love and honesty form the basis of any healthy relationship. But while this book teaches you how to foster these essential qualities daily five additional traits (the acronym FACTS) will ensure you’ve got a good thing going and that it’ll last! </span><br /><span>In this down-to-earth manual author Jermaine A. Hamwright presents a unique guy’s perspective revealing his foolproof secrets for finding your ideal partner including: </span><br /><span>• Fun date ideas to forge a stronger friendship </span><br /><span>• Ways to battle your Monkey Bar Fears </span><br /><span>• Finding common ground in worship </span><br /><span>• Using Tree Trunk Theory to build trust </span><br /><span>• Choosing God over the NASCAR Urge </span><br /><span>• Seeking wisdom from a Spiritual Parent </span><br /><span>Through anecdotes Bible passages prayer and journaling Get the FACTS spells out how you can experience fulfilling love by putting God first. </span><br /><br /><span>“Get the FACTS gives practical ways to build a biblically based relationship and show couples how to begin as friends. This book can be used as a manual for small groups or for a Bible study.” </span><br /><span>—Chaplain Milton S. Herring author Mobilizing the Army of God</span></p>
