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About The Book
In this collection of his old and new poems Bimal Ghosh reflects upon a rich variety of topics-as he had in his previous volume Through the Eyes of My Mind (2015).The poems are grouped into six clusters: yearnings for a better world; self-portrait and introspection; twilight in life; death and darkness; the beauty of never-ending change; and anniversary wishes from a loving father. While the sentiments underlying these poems are intensely personal they are also universal as they touch the chord of common human feelings of sadness and joy despair and ecstasy hopes and frustrations and anger and empathy. Consistent with their universality they also seek to bring some solace to people in distress and to lift up the spirits of those struggling against deprivation or injustice.Alongside the diversity of topics the cadence of each cluster comes together to create a harmonious symphony of human emotions and enduring truths.