Go West

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About The Book

After duty as an ambulance driver in World War I Ellie Morgan returns to Chicago to take up her share of the work in her grandparents department store. Ellie doesnt want to alienate her family or disappoint them but despite a six year effort to settle in she feels increasingly trapped in store routine. Meanwhile her grandmother urges her to marry a local politician and help him succeed in his chosen field. Ellies grandfather however wants to see her happy and independent. Go West young woman go west he advises paraphrasing a popular quotation of the day. So with Granddads help Ellie secures a job on a ranch in Colorado and sets out to prove that she has the necessary character to succeed at a third vocation. When Aldon Leitzinger meets Ellies train in Clifton Colorado he introduces himself as the foreman of the ranch. But the more people Ellie meets in the community the more apparent it becomes that she is in demand to fill a number of roles for which she is not prepared. Desperate to prove herself she settles in to please everyone a task that puts her at risk of failure in every attempt at finding a new and happier life.