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About The Book
The field of biotechnology has evolved over the past four decades developing medicines which are curing diseases. But this journey of success has been tough and arduous built upon the shoulders of major failures. Good Genes Gone Bad highlights seven such colossal failures in drug development-all of which culminated in the development of novel drugs-weaving together various analogies through the stories and thus allowing the reader to understand complex biological phenomena. These stories include treatment of medical conditions such as genetic clotting disorder (haemophilia) childhood-diarrhoea (rotavirus vaccine) preventing HIV infection activation of the immune systems to treat cancer gene therapy for treatment of diseases caused by gene-defects/mutations cell therapy for treatment of leukaemias and finally the success of Biocon's approval of the first biologic drug for breast cancer. Written by the former R&D head of Biocon India's largest pharmaceutical company Good Genes Gone Bad is a fascinating look at the complex world of medicine and drug development providing the readers with a sense of magnitude of challenges and the extent of difficulty that it takes to make novel medicines.