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About The Book
<p>Follow the author through his trials in the commercial world developing contracting and becoming &ldquo;the new sheriff in town&rdquo; a handle for getting things done.</p><p>He romanced his second wife with scenes such as &ldquo;I walked her to her house with stars shining above a gentle breeze wafting by and naughty thoughts running recklessly through our minds. We arrived and behold so did they.&rdquo; A marriage soon followed and life continued with sailing and skiing as well as another bold but failing manufacturing enterprise. Further marital and extramarital affairs led to divorce.</p><p>Eventually his eyes sought a lasting prize with whom he had some difficulty squiring. His favorite scene was a call at her house. Hoping a bit of humor might soothe her nervous appearance he offered to meet her and perhaps have dinner. He said &ldquo;I have FBI clearance and am not on the list of sexual predators.&rdquo;</p><p>She gave a slight chuckle and paused noticeably not inviting him in. He then said &quot;We&#39;re not going to be doing espionage just a plain simple all-American dinner.&rdquo;</p><p>They enjoyed a good dinner and then marriage came about with an unusual twist and turn. One evening at his house in an apparent response to his comment &ldquo;Why aren&#39;t we married?&rdquo; she said &quot;Have you gotten the license yet?&quot;</p><p>He stammered slightly and replied &ldquo;No I didn&rsquo;t know I was supposed to but I do know how.&rdquo; And so it goes!</p>