Haroun & The Sea Of Stories

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About The Book

Written by the world-famous writer Salman Rushdie Haroun And The Sea Of Stories is a fantasy book that can be enjoyed by children as well as adults. It is the fourth book by the popular author who dedicated this book to his son from whom he had been separated for a while. The name of the main character in this book is Haroun whose magical experiences are depicted through the pages.Haroun lives with his father named Rashid a locally famous storyteller whose wife Soraya (also Haroun’s mother) is seduced by the neighbour. Rashid soon works for local politicians and along with Haroun is sent to the Valley of K to speak on behalf of a politician named Snooty Buttoo. On their journey in Buttoo’s yacht Haroun stumbles upon the Iff the Water Genie who plans to detach Rashid’s imagination.Haroun appalled at the idea demands to speak to the Water Genie’s superior. Upon his request he is taken to the magical Sea of Stories with the help of an artificial intelligence nicknamed Butt. There Haroun discovers a hidden world where a battle is being waged between two rival kingdoms.Haroun And The Sea Of Stories is a book which depicts the adventures of Haroun in the Sea of Stories. The new edition of this book was published by Penguin India in 2000 and is available in the form of a paperback. About the Author Salman Rushdie was born in 1947 and has lived in England since 1961. He is the author of six novels Grimus Midnight's Children which won the Booker Prize in 1981 and the James Tait Black Prize Shame winner of the French Prix du Meilleur Livre Etranger The Satanic Verses which won the Whitbread Prize for Best Novel Haroun and the Sea of Stories which won the Writer's Guild Award and The Moor's Last Sigh which won the Whitbread Novel of the Year Award. He has also published a collection of short stories East West a book of reportage The Jaguar Smile a volume of essays Imaginary Homelands and a work of film criticism The Wizard of Oz. His most recent novel is The Ground Beneath Her Feet which was published in 1999.Salman Rushdie was awarded Germany's Author of the Year Award for his novel The Satanic Verses in 1989. In 1993 Midnight's Children was voted the 'Booker of Bookers' the best novel to have won the Booker Prize in its first 25 years. In the same year he was awarded the Austrian State Prize for European Literature. He is also Honorary Professor in the Humanities at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature. His books have been published in more than two dozen languages.

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