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About The Book
During the pandemic the world had shut down! Being a household name and a Globalpersonality 'Chef Shipra khanna' felt it as her responsibility to help people with herhealthy and delicious recipes in this time of chaos and panic and shift their focus ontheir own health as that's all we could do to take care of ourselves and our loved onesfrom this unknown threat of Covid 19!!!So she started cooking and sharing. Other than making a series of healthy recipes forher YouTube channel Shipra's Kitchen and her new show 'Tadka Marke' on TataSkyshe wrote this book #HealthUnlimited.She says 'this book is very close to my heart as I I've shared all the recipes I make andconsume in my daily routine to stay happy & healthy and now everyone can too!'The book has been divided into 12 healthy ingredients and recipes around it to make ithealthy and interesting. The ingredients are easily available and can be easily added inday to day diet. These ingredients are also used in Ayurveda and are great for yourhealth.Her only motive behind this book is for people to start understanding how importantHealthy Eating Healthy Living and Healthy Cooking is which she communicated on hersocial media and created Health Booster Shots which went viral.She says 'It all starts from your own kitchen with a slight change in perspective!' Healthyfood can definitely be tasty with # Healthunlimited!