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About The Book
Barbara Johnsons ministry to the broken hearted has rescued thousands from the cesspools of life and helped the hopeless learn to laugh again. Now sharing outrageous humor rib-tickling insights and inspiring real-life examples she shows you how to put lifes trials into heavenly perspective. With Barbs zany humor leading the way like a geranium bobbing in a parade leaders hat youll be able to face each new challenge with grace?maybe even a giggle. Soon youll have your sights set on eternity and your ears tuned to the heavenly trumpeters frequency as you too joyously await that day when Hes gonna toot and were gonna scoot!Barbara Johnsons writing may not make us thinner but it sure does make us easier to live with! She has a way of removing a lot of the grit and grind from our crankcase so we can enjoy the trip from earth to heaven without a breakdown. ?Charles Swindoll President Dallas Theological Seminary