High Roller


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About The Book

Rocco Carnesecca is the number two man at the Silver Halo Casino and Hotel in Las Vegas. He oversees every facet of the rogue Casino under the watchful eyes of the Maestro's people chiefly the Fat Man attorney to the number one man. On the side Rocco maintains a small discreet stable of hookers and a young stud servicing the high rollers and their neglected wives.</P><P>Back East in a well-to-do enclave of New Jersey Harry Demetrios a successful stockbroker wrestles with approaching middle age and the final decision of his lovely daughter to quit college leave his house and get a job. His Mediterranean instincts of fierce protective love for his girl leave him distraught.</P><P>Rocco's young stud Billy returns from a trip and is noticeably less effective with the women he services. They complain to Rocco that Billy has 'not been kind. He's in love with a girl he met back East. But the pretty Greek girl doesn't reciprocate Billy's affection. Rocco orders his men to bring her in. Harry receives word of his daughter's whereabouts and he flies out to confront Las Vegas.</P>
