Hole in my Head is based on the theme of a TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) following aroad traffic accident that the author had at the age of six. It covers a period of 31 yearsuntil the age of 37. His recovery after the accident including various challenges that hefaced along the way, including various medical problems, follow up appointments, mentalhealth, being a special needs pupil, challenges with gaining and retaining employment, trying to overcome a fear of driving and more. These lessons are discussed throughout thebook.All the themes come together and ultimately show how even when things do not gowell, there are many blessings, including having a "hole in the head". The book touchesupon various aspects of culture, including living in Kuwait, the first Gulf War, workingwith refugees and minorities in the UK and life in various regions of Saudi Arabia, including road trips across the country. Other areas that are touched are theology, post9/11 discrimination against Muslims, the month of Ramadan and the Hajj /pilgrimageto Makkah.Hole in my Head can be used in a variety of courses including many medical degrees, educational degrees and HR degrees.