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About The Book
Despite widespread interest in spirituality its most common corporate form congregational worship is rarely discussed in those terms. This book explores liturgical spirituality as a holy conversation between God and us. Linking the themes of spirituality and worship and giving each needed focus in ways that are biblically and theologically rich and consistent with ecumenical traditions this book specifically explores the relationship of sacred reading (lectio divina) to worship. Linman sees this practice as one element in the larger liturgical action of Gathering Word Meal and Sending. Our spiritual worship (cf. Rom 12:1) he argues is the holy conversation between worshipers and the triune God who leads us to greater participation in Christ and to transformation through Christs presence. Raising important issues for worship renewal and interspersed with practical insights and suggestions this book serves as a primer for those who want to more fully learn how to worship and through the power of the Spirit to deepen their awareness of the encounter with Christ made known in Word and Sacrament.