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About The Book
A tremendously practical and helpful guide for anyone transitioning to remote work-whether you are a leader transitioning your team or an employee having to shift to working from home. Julie Diamond Ph.D. author Power: A Users Guide An indispensable and practical how to guide for employers and employees on navigating the new corporate paradigm of working from home.The COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020 brought many challenges into our lives and yet it also made space for new paradigms to emerge. One of those paradigm shifts was a changing corporate viewpoint on employees working from home. The battles fought in organizations around the privilege of working from home was suddenly seen through a different lens. Necessity became the mother of invention and creativity.Without us realizing and taking the time to learn what this new way of working actually requires we are now finding ourselves in the midst of it. To the surprise of many it has gone much better than most would have thought. But we are also learning that these new experiences have come with a downside as well. But what are organizations doing to create a successful work culture? Meet Jenn Laura and Cynthia three avatars who work for the same corporation at different levels and have very different personal situations. Through them you will experience their challenges and reflections of working from home. Using the experiences of the avatars the reader is guided through how to use the PPAS Maturity Model and its dimensions- People Processes Applications Structure. The guide provides access to ready-to-use templates to start the conversation with employers and employees on the experience of working from home with or without a coach at your side and an overview of how to best navigate through your learnings and experiences in a structured reflective and forward-looking manner.