How to Increase Millions of Jobs in a Year


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About The Book

By research I found economic recession was created by the wrong economic policy of the United States of America Government. The United States Government transferred 21.8 million jobs to other countries in 2000. After that USA job transfer to other countries increased every year. In 2008 USA transferred 45.7 million jobs to other countries. In 2008 USA transferred 17.9 million jobs to China 4.3 million jobs to Mexico2.6 million jobs to Canada 2.5 million jobs to Japan2.3 million jobs to Nigeria1.4 million jobs to Germany 0.8 million jobs to Ireland 0.7 million jobs to Italy. These are net job transfer. Thus purchasing power of USA people reduced by $914 Billion dollar a year. If economic policy outlined in this book is adopted USA can increase 45.7 million jobs in a year without using stimulus money. USA Government revenue will increase by $208 Billion dollar in a year. Budget problem of Federal State and City Government can be removed in a year. Unemployment rate will reduce to 0%. Every people will get job. Purchasing power of USA people will increase by $914 Billion dollar a year. Economic recession will be removed permanently. Other countries who has unemployment problem can adopt economic policy outlined in this book. About 8 millions jobs can be increased if job of undocumented people is stopped for the interest of documented people. This policy will save $3 trillion dollar stimulus money.
