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About The Book
About the Book : This comprehensive book on HRM with Case Studies has primarily been written for graduate and undergraduate students studying management.. This book covers the syllabi of human resource management and industrial relations subscribed by various management institutes and universities in India. Every effort has been made to discuss the relevant concepts supported by apt examples and case studies in a easy to understand manner for the students. In this new edition the author has added many new case studies — now a total of 66 in number. One case has already been solved for the proper guidance of the student. Also the author has included a new chapter on research design and report writing in HRM. The focus shifts from the need for research in the field of human resources to the actual research design; it winds up with the preparation of research reports. Management students would greatly benefit from the new edition of this popular book. Contents 1. Human Resource Management 2. Human Resource Planning 3. Recruitment and Selection 4. Job Analysis 5. Training and Employee Development 6. Executive Development 7. Employee Remuneration 8. Performance Appraisal 9.Industrial Relations 10. Industrial Disputes 11.Collective Bargaining 1Z Workers Participation in Management 13_ Human Resource Development 14. Career Management 15. Career Development 16. Human Resource Policies 17. Quality of Work Life 18. International HRM 19. Industrial Discipline 20. Research Design and Report Writing in Human Resource Management