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About The Book
To be your true self and to know and live by your truth is a process that requires you to want to do so. It requires your willingness to be truthful with where you are at what is happening internally for you and what you need to do.You may be up to the adventure you may have travelled a reasonable way along the journey or you may believe you are already there. Or you may be someone who is not quite ready for the adventure yet.No matter where you are on this continuum I Make a Difference will assist you to identify your location on your journey to being your true self and provide you with resources so you can travel even further and closer to being the true you.The truth about this book - I Make a Difference prompts processing. It also guides you to work through your processing.Reading this book will bring memories to your mind that you have not thought about for a while or focus you on ones that often travel through your mind. You will feel things emotionally mentally physiologically and even energy-wise and what you feel is what is already within you. And it is your choice as to whether you continue to carry this processing around with you or whether you take further steps to work with these parts of you that want your attention.The processing you experience when you read this book surfaces because your system is naturally bringing it to your attention because you are ready to explore heal and unravel these aspects of yourself. If you were not ready then it would not surface. And the reason this processing is surfacing is for you to clear more of the path and strengthen the connection to your true self.Truth - a quick fix to discovering and uncovering who you truly are - your true self is not sustainable it is a process that requires time and your commitment.Truth - all of us feel emotions have conditioned thoughts behaviours reactions and physiological responses that limit our ability to be who we truly are and live our life naturally.I Make a Difference provides you with the processes tools and approaches to work through the process of unravelling conditioning healing the impacts of the past and discovering more of who you truly are and in a supportive nurturing and truthful way.You possibly may not like or enjoy some of the experience however if you do stick with it and journey the entirety of the book you will have empowered yourself even more through your willingness to look at the aspects of yourself that required your focus as well as having developed your ability to self-facilitate your own growth process.Vulnerability is the fear of facing yourself and your truth so you can do right by yourself. I Make a Difference supports you to do this.There is something pretty awesome in releasing the processing that no longer is right for you as you discover more that is right for you and reconnect to more of the true you. The difference is yours to make.