J.C. Sweeting and Positive Friends

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About The Book

J.C. Sweeting is one of those rare breed of humans who is not onlyan optimist but want to share with everyone the power of positivethinking and the benefi ts of being positive. This he does throughhis news letter ?Positive Friends? he has touched lives not only inhis home country but internationally. For the past few years I haveread J. C. Sweeting?s ?Positive Friends? Newsletters and fi nd themvery inspiring he not only writes positive things J.C Sweeting?sentire life refl ects that of a positive friend. J. C. Sweeting?sbook refl ects the very essence of living life positively theauthor lives what he preach a true ?Positive Friend? The worldtoday needs much positivity. This book whose time has come it is amust read! Paul C. Lecky President Institute of ProfessionalDevelopment