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About The Book
From the Heart of a silent weeper tears of anguish swiftly flew Kept inside by a wall of pride but only the weeper knows....And so begins the Silent Weeper a poem by Connie Porcher in her first-ever publications Jesus Christ is my Heartmender.Many of us yearn for a life brand new. Yet locked within the agony of broken heart instead of feeling free we build a prison wall and keep lifes pain within...We wish to cast off the mask and replace the synthetic smile that hides tears. We wish to heal and be whole. But how? Connie shares with us how hearts can truly be healed and our masks can be forever cast aside by the Master Heartmender...For over 30 years these treasured poems have resided in a plain white notebook largely unseen by the world. These poems were whispered to Connie by the Lord written down on paper and shared with just a few special people. As Connie has experienced the mending of her heart by Jesus Christ so she has felt the leading to reach out and mend other hearts with the same love she found when she came to know Him. She has counseled women for many years and has a tremendous love and compassion for the hurting. For the last few years Connie has felt the Lords leading to put her poems into print with two purposes in mind: to encourage those who are struggling and to glorify the God she loves the Master Heartmender.May these words touch your heart and bring joy peace and healing to your soul. May you come to know Jesus Christs immeasurable love and may He become your Heartmender.