Dr. Joseph G. Taylor is an ordained minister and the President of the Executive Board at Living Waters International Outreach Ministries. He holds advanced degrees in Psychology, Theology and Human Services. Though he attended such Universities Seton Hall, Lincoln, Rowan, Capella, and Christian Bible College, he places emphasis on the "School of Life" at which he admits is where he obtained all of the important stuff. Dr. Taylor hosted "The Bread of Life Hour, an intensive Bible study, on Cable Television for five years. That Bible study was an extensive analysis of the power of the human being, and the effectiveness of the spoken word. Currently, Dr. Taylor is a guest editorialist for The Asbury Park Press. He hosts the radio talk show entitled "Journey" that chronicles the lives of successful people. As an accomplished motivational speaker, Dr. Taylor has taught the principles he espouses in this book to thousands. Starting from humble beginnings like bankruptcies, bad credit, and indecision, Dr. Taylor progressed through the use of the principles that were taught to him by the Masters. Currently, Dr. Taylor enjoys acquired wealth, health, and happiness that he says, ".is out there for anyone who is willing to learn!"