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About The Book
The hitter Jerome was thin in the waist and thick in the thighs and had a big behind which looked even bigger when he would bend down into his batting stance. On the fifth pitch he turned his back to the pitcher. He yelled out Oh shit! as the ball hit him square on his butt. The crowd reacted with laughter and one colored gal yelled out That ball could get lost in there! The laughter from the stands grew louder as he took first base. <p>The left fielder before leaving the on-deck circle whispered He is going to strike me out. As soon as he stepped into the box he immediately called out Time out! He was nervous after watching the pitching display; he was talking to himself as the first pitch went in for a strike. The second pitch was also a strike as he had closed his eyes in swinging. The third pitch hit the ground at his feet and he swung at that pitch. As the inning came to an end and he walked from home plate he was overheard saying That boy up there gon' kill somebody the way he is pitching.