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About The Book
<p>Bringing together forty-two groundbreaking essays--many of them already classics--<strong><em>The Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader</em></strong> provides a much-needed introduction to the contemporary state of lesbian/gay studies extensively illustrating the range scope diversity appeal and power of the work currently being done in the field. Featuring essays by such prominent scholars as Judith Butler John D'Emilio Kobena Mercer Adrienne Rich Gayle Rubin and Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick <strong><em>The Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader</em></strong> explores a multitude of sexual ethnic racial and socio-economic experiences. <br><br>Ranging across disciplines including history literature critical theory cultural studies African American studies ethnic studies sociology anthropology psychology classics and philosophy this anthology traces the inscription of sexual meanings in all forms of cultural expression. Representing the best and most significant English language work in the field <strong><em>The Lesbian and Gay Studies</em></strong><em><strong>Reader</strong></em> addresses topics such as butch-fem roles the cultural construction of gender lesbian separatism feminist theory AIDS safe-sex education colonialism S/M Oscar Wilde Gertrude Stein children's books black nationalism popular films Susan Sontag the closet homophobia Freud Sappho the media the <em>hijras</em> of India Robert Mapplethorpe and the politics of representation. It also contains an extensive bibliographical essay which will provide readers with an invaluable guide to further reading.<br><br><strong>Contributors:</strong> Henry Abelove Tomas Almaguer Ana Maria Alonso Michele Barale Judith Butler Sue-Ellen Case Danae Clark Douglas Crimp Teresa de Lauretis John D'Emilio Jonathan Dollimore Lee Edelman Marilyn Frye Charlotte Furth Marjorie Garber Stuart Hall David Halperin Phillip Brian Harper Gloria T. Hull Maria Teresa Koreck Audre Lorde Biddy Martin Deborah E. McDowell Kobena Mercer Richard Meyer D. A. Miller Serena Nanda Esther Newton Cindy Patton Adrienne Rich Gayle Rubin Joan W. Scott Daniel L. Selden Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick Barbara Smith Catharine R. Stimpson Sasha Torres Martha Vicinus Simon Watney Harriet Whitehead John J. Winkler Monique Wittig and Yvonne Yarbro-Bejarano</p>