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About The Book
India is a developing country after seven decades although having lots of resources like mining & minerals water resources forestry marine products scope of industries tourism facilities agriculture electricity and development of IT etc. It is mainly due to lack of morality unity and nationality among the citizens. Such diversion has happened due to narrow feelings already generated in the name of religions castes languages rich -poor status and zonal difference. In fact all human beings are same and these differences are manmade. Irrespective of higher education one may have can fall into the pit of criminal activities. To tune up all into a positive character Moral Science has been prepared from class 1 to graduation considering all are human beings and Indians. This has been submitted to Hon’ble Prime Minister India for implementing as compulsory subject. Such moral value would generate poverty crime free ideal Indians with morality unity and nationality in course of time.The solutions to the major issues of the country cited in the chapters are suitable for maximum countries mostly undeveloped under-developed and developing countries of the world. I belong to ‘Planet Earth’ being Indian so entire mankind belongs to ‘Planet Earth’ may be from different countries. Therefore everybody belongs to one family of our Mother Earth. Harming our planet by any means is not only villainous but also unpardonable.