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About The Book
<p>Thomas Anderson has just graduated from CSUStentoria with his degree in Political Science. It'san election year and as a young progressivein California who has been raised by equallyprogressive parents he is very much concernedwith the political issues currently being discussedin the mass media.</p><p>A chance encounter with a fellow graduate namedKelly Kelso however shakes up his sett led view ofthe world. He is challenged to examine the risingnumber of alternatives to the two-party systempresented by third party movements such as theLibertarian Party and the Green Party and is forcedto acknowledge that there is far more to politicsthan simply Democrat versus Republican andliberal versus conservative.</p><p>Thomas delves energetically into not only thegrowing Libertarian movement but the free marketperspective of the Austrian School of economics aswell as the rigid yet compelling view of Ayn Rand'sphilosophy of Objectivism. His explorations growwider now encompassing the Tea Party movementand the Christi an Right; tax resisters and gunrights advocates; survivalists and militia members;anarchists communists and Democratic Socialists;as well as the Occupy Wall Street movement.</p><p>He debates the radical environmental views ofanimal welfare and animal rights advocates andchallenges opponents of corporate globalism aswell as deniers of global warming as he strugglesto reformulate and articulate his own developingbeliefs while coping with a sea of conflicting ideasand opposition.</p><p>But this abstract political theory is brought intosharp encounter with concrete political realitywhen Thomas hears a news report of an armedconflict with authorities taking place just outsideof town involving someone with whom he hasbecome emotionally involved...</p>