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About The Book
From early childhood on daily life dreams and memories will ultimately lead each character through a lifetime of crossroads and decisions which in some cases destroy that character and in others reinforces the desire to live and survive the difficult and sometimes unbearable experiences of each character. An ultimate struggle between good and evil ........ At What Point Does One Finally Give Up? Long ago even the idea of giving up had never been an option. The hopes and dreams at some moment became a figment of imagination. Not all at once but bit by bit piece by piece reality became clearer until at last you could not fool even yourself. You look into the mirror and see a stranger staring back at you. What has happened? Where has time gone? You are certainly nothing like the person you had imagined years ago. Time is working its inevitable changes. Suddenly you know the dream of yesterday is over. You can never go back again. Your heart feels cold. Cold as stone. Hard as stone. No longer pumping red-blooded excitement through your veins. A new kind of passion takes over. A cold-hearted driven passion that has been aching to come out. Any scrap of forgiveness has long gone. There is no forgiveness. No amount of begging crying or cajoling will change things now. She knows who is to blame. Unforgivable sins have been committed. The price must be paid. An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth. Just how great must the sacrifice be in order to attain revenge? So much has been lost or stolen from her. Lives have been cut short. So much suffering has been endured. Some were still living through the pain. A very large sacrifice would be in order. A very large sacrifice indeed. A feeling of sweetness begins to flow into the brain. Ah that sweetness shes been longing for. REVENGE SWEET REVENGE