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About The Book
<p>What if Who You Are is Who You Were Always Meant to Be?</p><p><strong><em>Living Your Best Life&nbsp;</em></strong>is a story of self-discovery. As moms we&rsquo;re always someone&rsquo;s someone giving loving and nurturing. Stripped from the labels and characters you&nbsp;portray who are you? Self-doubt reminds us that we aren&#39;t enough. That we&nbsp;should be further along in life. That someone else could do a better job raising your kids. So we begin to prove our worth.&nbsp;We are taught early on to please others to fit in to not rock the boat or there will be consequences. We&#39;re rewarded and applauded for being what others need and disciplined for being what they don&#39;t.&nbsp;</p><p>We begin to please our parents our teachers our bosses our partners and our mother-in-law. Perhaps the accolades gained the attention you craved so you became an achiever climbing the corporate ladder hustling for your worth. You may wonder why you&#39;re a people pleaser&nbsp;or a perfectionist trying to create smooth transitions to steady the waves and control all the pieces.&nbsp;</p><p>It&#39;s human nature to want to be liked to want to fit in to find a place to belong. Eventually all the distractions in our head trying to direct our steps push out the only voice that matters our own.&nbsp;Do you try to meet other&rsquo;s expectations while denying your own longing for authenticity?</p><p><em><strong>Living Your Best Life&nbsp;</strong></em>examines twelves struggles we deal with as moms&nbsp;and the steps needed to be the authentic women&nbsp;God created us to be Ourselves! Here&#39;s to the Power of Being You!&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>This book will help women:</p><p>~ Rid themselves of self-doubt and fear</p><p>~ Take risks and chase their dreams</p><p>~ Let go of emotional baggage to live a freer unstuck life</p><p>~ Transform from the wounded to a warrior</p><p>~ Find their tribe and Write Their Story</p><p>Are you overwhelmed exhausted and behind the eight ball at every turn? We brand ourselves in how we show up in our life.&nbsp;Are you living life to the busy instead of to the full?&nbsp;If so this book is for you.&nbsp;It&#39;s time to step into your greatness chase your dreams&nbsp;and marinate in the delight of life.&nbsp;Here&#39;s to the power of being you and Living Your Best Life.</p>