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About The Book
To Bedevil a DukeA Duke of many rules. A Lady of independence.Since her cheating husband created a scandal by dying beneath his whore Darcy de Merle is determined to enjoy widowhood and refuses to mourn a man she grew to loathe. Setting the ton ablaze Darcy holds a ball to re-launch herself into Society on the anniversary of his death.Cameron the Duke of Athelby plays by the rules. Always. Hes lived through the terrible consequences of what revelry carelessness and lack of respect for ones social position can have on a family. So when he sees Darcy de Merle skirting the boundaries of respectability it is only right that he should remind her of the proper etiquette that she should adhere to.Darcy refuses to allow another man to tell her what to do. When the Duke of Athelby chastises her at every turn reminding her of her social failures well there is only one thing to be done about it...seduce the duke and show him there is more to life than the proper conventions set by the ton.A battle of wills ensues where all bets are off numerous rules are broken and love becomes the ultimate reward.To Madden a MarquessShe saved his life but can she save him from himself?Hunter Marquess of Aaron has the ton fooled. Outwardly hes a gentleman of position with good contacts wealth and charm. Inwardly hes a mess. His vice-drinking himself into a stupor most days-almost kills him when he steps in front of a hackney cab. His saviour a most unlikely person is an angel to gaze at but with a tongue sharper than his sword cane.Cecilia Smith dislikes idleness and waste. Had she been born male she would already be working for her fathers law firm. So on a day when she was late for an important meeting at one of her many charities she was not impressed by having to step in and save a foxed gentleman rogue from being run over.When their social spheres collide Hunter is both surprised and awed by the capable beautiful Miss Smith. Cecilia on the other hand is left confused and not a little worried by her assumptions about the Marquess and his demons. It is anyones guess whether these two people from different worlds can form one of their own...To Tempt an EarlHamish Doherty Earl Leighton is having a terrible Season.A portion of his home burned to the ground he was attacked outside a gaming hell and a debutante he cannot stomach is determined theyll wed. Its enough to make any lord head for the hills but his luck turns worse in the country. A large unpaid bill at an inn and a missing purse later hes ready to concede defeat to the fickle Fates - until rescue unexpectedly comes from an intoxicatingly beautiful stranger.As the daughter of a successful tradesman Miss Katherine Martin has no time for peers and their problems. However there is something about this handsome and yet unlucky earl and when their paths cross again Lord Leighton offers to repay his debt to her in any way she pleases. Katherine decides one night in his arms will be just right and yet as two kindred souls find passion together it seems one night wont be enough. But can a woman of no rank and trade in her blood be enough to Tempt an Earl?