Losses in Later Life: A New Way of Walking with God
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About The Book

Achieve faith and understanding when dealing with the loss of a loved one or a major change in your life! Losses in Later Life: A New Way Of Walking with God Second Edition focuses on seven major losses: loss of youth loss of family loss of parents loss of work loss of spouse loss of health and loss of identity. This second edition has been reworked with new research to include updated information about the loss of independence and several additional losses not discussed in the previous edition. You will explore the path to becoming a spiritually mature person who has faith and is able to grieve let go and release what is lost in order to live a mentally healthy and rewarding life. With this valuable book you will explore the issues of losses in later life from an approach that integrates psychology and spirituality to help you understand that loss is an inevitable and significant factor in the lives of people over the age of 40. Discussing the dynamics of loss and grief and defining spiritual health Losses in Later Life examines common losses of the second half of your life from a positive perspective. Caregivers and anyone interested in the psychology and spirituality of aging will find excellent help and suggestions from Losses in Later Life. This book is a necessary tool for spiritually assisting your times of grief and confusion. With proven suggestions and advice Losses in Later Life serves to enlighten your path through the later years and enrich your soul.
