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About The Book
衛萌萌是個在好萊塢闖蕩的小演員,落魄時曾被好心人艾瑪收留。艾瑪的新男友Steven是加州最大電影製作公司總裁的小舅子,有個古靈精怪的外甥女Sabina。因緣巧合下,衛萌萌成了Sabina的兼職保姆。當Steven向衛萌萌表達愛意時,她很糾結,因爲這個喪偶男人陷入謀殺妻子的疑雲中。為了解開謎團,衛萌萌決定親自尋找真相......這是作者B杜一系列異國戀情N部曲中的第八部,故事講述跑龍套女演員最後成爲大明星的故事,其間穿插懸疑的情節,引人入勝。Actress Wei Mengmeng was a nobody in Hollywood and so took a job as a live-in nanny while resting. She was employed the president of Californias largest film production company whose brother Steven was coincidently the boyfriend of her previous landlady Emma. Mengmeng knew that Steven was widowed and some surmised that had indeed murdered his wife. So when Steven expressed his love to Wei Mengmeng she felt conflicted but had to discover the truth about this man for herself ... This is the eighth book of a series of exotic romance novels by B Du. An absorbing romance novel with a touch of suspense in which an unsung Chinese actress eventually becomes a star.