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About The Book
<p>&lt;P align=JUSTIFY&gt;Near the middle of the 21&lt;SUP&gt;&lt;FONT SIZE=-1&gt;st&lt;/FONT&gt;&lt;/SUP&gt; Century an alliance of industrialized nations set out to construct the first large-scale human colony on the Moon. The coalition called the Erth Industrial Alliance (E I A) is unaware that there already exists a huge colony beneath the lunar surface. The society is known as Tellmondo.&lt;/P&gt;</p><p>&lt;P align=JUSTIFY&gt;Eventually the EIA and Tellmondo would collide with each other causing a long drawn out war that also adversely effects the very geological structure of the Moon itself.&lt;/P&gt;</p><p>&lt;P align=JUSTIFY&gt;Many years would go by before the Erth alliance finds out that there is even perhaps a far worse opponent in the solar system than the Tellmondonians... But for that battle the EIA would have to go to Jupiter before &amp;quot;they&amp;quot; come to Erth!&lt;/P&gt;</p>