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About The Book
The book in two parts follows the author from early days in Glasgow when he first fell in love with the sport on an amazing journey to become a contest player and compete for his country at Olympic level. Covering all the highs and lows the disappointments and struggles both physical and emotional the sacrifices and decisions that he made to achieve his aims. The book gives an insight to the fears and the ambition of a contest player; it follows the author through his judo path to present time with an amazing honesty to his thoughts about judo. The main criteria of the book is contest orientated it provides the serious minded judoka with an insight to judo at power level the training and the thought process of planning and preparation for competition as well as the attitude required to be successful. Building on strengths knowing your weaknesses as well as training the mind to adapt to extreme situations the thought process of being egotistic and feeling you are the best is highlighted on the authors journey to find himself. The technical side and skills cover both Tachi waza and Ne waza with insight of how you can secure the skills to a contest situation Renraku waza and Kaeshi waza (combination and counter techniques) are prominent in the book as are the main throws used in competitions judo today. Basic holds as well as the dynamic Sangaku techniques to roll over also illustrated with detailed explanations of checkmate holds and what they mean. The book will give the young aspiring judoka inspiration and ambition as well as belief in themselves to achieve there aims.