Malayali Engineering Civilization : A college story


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About The Book

Question: Where would you look if you want to find the most vibrant personalities? Answer: An engineering college. Or more accurately a private engineering college from Kerala. This is the tale of one such eccentric batch.  This is the best years of your life everyone had told Aria when they knew he was going to one of the auspicious private engineering colleges in Kerala. But all of it was broken when the truth finally came out. It wasnt the college life that he dreamt. Most of his friends shared the same opinion. But with time they adapted to the college life they were given. Even with all the restrictions they managed to experience friendship love betrayal hatred fights etcetera which is what college life is all about. Malayali Engineering Civilization as the name suggests tell the story of a batch of civil engineering students and their journey through their entertaining and complicated college life. The novel tells the individual and collective story a group of students from this batch with multiple point of views and includes various key moments of engineering life like Industrial visit Tech fests Onam etc.
