The book is a translated and updated version of his earlier book published in Bengali namely- “ Manusher Padachinha Bishwe O Bharate (Man’s Foot Prints in World and India ) ,Ananda Prakashan,Kolkata. Extracts of literary reviews on the book are as under:Unmukta Uchhwas,Traimasik ,Delhi,2018It (The Evolution) has been a long way, the path of human history, the path of history of humanism. As a man( author) traced the visible or not easily visible finer foot prints of human evolution that brighten in sudden realizations – from history to science, from science to history the incredible progress of man. Mr. Dinesh Chandra Das in his long deliberation in this book has made clear to the readers that these steps were taken to carve out his life. He has made wonderful convergence of world perception with that of India.We, the readers, in every page of this book have known our own past , present and future; have located progressive sociality over the passage of time; astonished at the revelation of unbelievable curtain raising efforts. Shall expect that more books like this one is published by Shri Dinesh Das.Shri Aditya Sen , ForewordThe Book is an evidential document of the sequences of events such as emergence, up gradation of the species and migration-emigration –immigration and re-migration etc. in human evolution. Mr. Das has prepared this by assemblage of findings of anthropology, earth science, biology, archaeology, technology and by studying development of spiritual perception vis-à -vis creation of religious practices and with a scientific angle of vision . ---The statement on the Sindhu – Saraswati Civilisation that he made is the reality – whether there was any human community as pre-historic Aryans is a debatable issue. But it is true that through the battles between these two populace came out an intermixed, harmonized and synthesized civilization, though it is latent in the history . He has further said that in this world of science, harmony among humans would not come from the debates on differences between religion and anti-religion but through India’s Vedic emotion/perception(anubhuti) and experiences to harmonize contradictions