Embark on an extraordinary journey with Marvel: Look Out for the Little Guy, a compelling memoir tailored for the Teen & Young Adult (13 to 18 Age Group). Join Scott Lang, the ex-con turned world-saving superhero, as he unveils the untold tales of his remarkable transformation from ordinary man to extraordinary Avenger.
Scott Lang: Dive into his candid reflections on overcoming adversity, from his tumultuous past to his role as a devoted father and valiant defender of justice.
Ant-Man: Explore the exhilarating highs and challenging lows of shrinking down to ant size, as Scott navigates the perils of battling villains while maintaining his humanity.
The Avengers: Witness the behind-the-scenes accounts of epic battles and intimate moments, shedding light on the camaraderie and sacrifices of Earth's mightiest heroes.
Through Scott's poignant narrative, discover the profound impact of heroes beyond the spotlight, illuminating the resilience and compassion that define true heroism. From heart-wrenching struggles to triumphant victories, this memoir offers a rare glimpse into the extraordinary life of a real-life Avenger.
<p>Embark on an extraordinary journey with <strong>Marvel: Look Out for the Little Guy</strong>, a compelling memoir tailored for the <strong>Teen & Young Adult (13 to 18 Age Group)</strong>. Join Scott Lang, the ex-con turned world-saving superhero, as he unveils the untold tales of his remarkable transformation from ordinary man to extraordinary Avenger.</p>
<ol><li><strong>Scott Lang:</strong> Dive into his candid reflections on overcoming adversity, from his tumultuous past to his role as a devoted father and valiant defender of justice.</li>
<li><strong>Ant-Man:</strong> Explore the exhilarating highs and challenging lows of shrinking down to ant size, as Scott navigates the perils of battling villains while maintaining his humanity.</li>
<li><strong>The Avengers:</strong> Witness the behind-the-scenes accounts of epic battles and intimate moments, shedding light on the camaraderie and sacrifices of Earth's mightiest heroes.</li>
<p>Through Scott's poignant narrative, discover the profound impact of heroes beyond the spotlight, illuminating the resilience and compassion that define true heroism. From heart-wrenching struggles to triumphant victories, this memoir offers a rare glimpse into the extraordinary life of a real-life Avenger.</p>
In Look Out for the Little Guy!, Scott Lang shares with the world a bracingly honest account of his struggles and triumphs, from serving time to being a divorced dad to becoming Ant-Man and joining the Avengers.
These are stories of epic battles won and lost, as this everyman turned Super Hero finally tells all—from the official account of what really happened between the Avengers and Thanos to how shrinking down to ant size really feels to the challenges of balancing the roles of hero and dad.
Across his many adventures big and small, Scott has gathered the wisdom of countless amazing experiences into this, the first memoir from a real-life Avenger. Once you learn the unforgettable details of his epic journey, you won’t need to be reminded . . . to look out for the little guy.