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This is the new Geometry 2nd Edition, a completely edited version including a handy glossary and resource center.
GEOMETRY is one of the most useful topics in math. If you look around, you will see geometry in houses, cars, furniture, toys, roads and freeways, and much more. To design and build things, a great deal of geometry is used.
Working through this book will provide you with a strong, basic understanding of geometry. Enjoy the journey.
Perfect for students who are math challenged.
Lessons are presented in a format that everyone can understand.
Each lesson flows smoothly and logically to the next.
Each lesson is short, concise, and to the point.
Lots of examples with step-by-step solutions.
Each lesson includes a valuable Helpful Hints section.
Review is built into each lesson. Students will retain what they have learned!
Each lesson includes Problem Solving. This ensures that students will learn to apply their math skills to real-life situations.
Includes free access to video tutorials. Just go to and click on the Videos button
Points, Lines, and Planes
Parallel & Intersecting Lines
Types of Angles
Measuring & Constructing Angles
Classification of Triangles
Perimeter of Polygons
Problem Solving Involving Perimeter of Polygons
Circumference of Circles
Problem Solving Involving Circumference of Circles
The Pythagorean Theorem
Area of Polygons
Area of Circles
Problem Solving Involving Area
Solid Figures
Surface Area
Final Review and Tests
Want neater work?? Check out our Geometry Graph Paper Notebook. Get organized fast!
Neater work = High Grades in Geometry and much neater geometric sketches.