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About The Book
This textbook Mathematics for Chemistry is written in accordance with the UGC model syllabus for the postgraduate students of chemistry of all Indian universities. It will also be useful for competitive examinations like IAS PCS etc. The text starts with a chapter on preliminaries detailing the basic concepts and the results thereof that will be referred throughout the book. This is followed by an in-depth study of matrix algebra vector algebra calculus (differential and integral) differential equations permutation and combination and theory of probability.
Some of the key features are: • Basics concepts presented in an easy-to-understand style. • Includes a large number of solved examples • Notes and remarks given at appropriate places. • Clean and clear illustrations/figures for better understanding • Exercise questions at the end of each Chapter
<b>Contents </b>
1. Preliminaries 2. Matrix Algebra 3. Vector Algebra 4. Differential Calculus 5. Integral Calculus 6. Elementary Differential Equations 7. Permutation and Combination 8. Theory of Probability Bibliography Index
<b>About the Author </b>
Dr. Quddus Khan is Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Science and Humanities Faculty of Engineering and Technology Jamia Millia Islamia New Delhi. He has been teaching UG & PG classes for the last eighteen years. He had also taught in Shibli National R G. College Azamgarh (U.P.). He had also worked as a Young Scientist (PDF) in the Department of Mathematics Faculty of Natural Science Jamia Millia Islamia New Delhi. Dr. Khan has to his credit 20 research papers on differentiable manifolds published in various national and international journals five books on D.G. of manifolds D.G. and its Application Tensor analysis and its Application Fundamental Concepts of recurrent manifold and Sasakian manifold and fundamental concept of symmetric manifold and Sasakian manifold and has also supervised two PhDs.