<h4>There are certain things you cannot protect your child from, like feeling stressed or anxious.</h4><p><span style="color: rgba(72, 94, 117, 1)">As they prepare to enter adolescence, they will come across new challenges that demand resilience and effective emotional regulation.</span></p><p><span style="color: rgba(72, 94, 117, 1)">It is tempting to try to put out fires on your child's behalf, but what good will that do in the long run?</span></p><p><span style="color: rgba(72, 94, 117, 1)">At some stage, they will be required to solve personal, social, and academic problems on their own and build the mental muscle to withstand difficulty.</span></p><p><em style="color: rgba(72, 94, 117, 1)">Mindful Emotions Workbook</em><span style="color: rgba(72, 94, 117, 1)"> is a self-therapy guide for children that introduces them to cognitive behavioral therapy skills. The workbook includes 33 exercises, spread across 8 chapters, and covers the following themes:</span></p><ul><li>Learning <strong>cognitive reframing and restructuring skills</strong> by playing the role of detective and challenging, instead of accepting negative thoughts</li><li>Expanding your emotional vocabulary by memorizing a range of <strong>primary and secondary emotions</strong> and learning how to communicate your feelings effectively</li><li>Practicing <strong>the art of empathy</strong> by making positive assumptions, validating others, and improving your listening skills</li><li>Practicing the power of pause and turning to age-appropriate <strong>relaxation techniques to self-soothe</strong></li></ul><p><span style="color: rgba(72, 94, 117, 1)">Your child will also be introduced to a young girl named Dani, a fictional character who is currently in middle school and learning how to use CBT to deal with school pressure, friendship conflict, and personal vices.</span></p><p><span style="color: rgba(72, 94, 117, 1)">They, like Dani, will gain the confidence to confront life's challenges head-on, equipped with the necessary psychotherapeutic skills to reduce stress, manage anxiety, and enhance positive moods!</span></p><p><span style="color: rgba(72, 94, 117, 1)">Give your child a head start in adolescence by exposing them to important life skills early on. </span><strong style="color: rgba(72, 94, 117, 1)">Get your copy of <em>Mindful Emotions Workbook</em> right away! Just scroll up and click "Buy Now!"</strong></p>