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About The Book

A girl has gone missing. Police believe she is having a good time after a weekend away from home at a music festival. They have heard it all before after such festivals and are not interested believing she will go home when she is ready. In desperation the girls parents engage Private Investigator SONOMA (Sonny) WHITTINGTON to look into what they believe is the disappearance of their daughter SARAH SINCLAIR sometime during the festival. Sonny soon discovers more than one girl associated with the festival disappeared over that weekend. What is it about that festival? What happened to those young women? Is there something about the festival or about the women themselves that connects their disappearances? In the course of her investigation Sonny experiences first-hand what happened to the women when she too disappears. An overheard suggestion that her life expectancy might shorten dramatically stirs Sonny into action but she must rely on all her wits and nerve to avoid that situation. Her bid for freedom and the events that follow take Sonny back into her home state and find her camping out with long-time friend and almost lover before the case is closed. Back home again Sonny find there are other concerns to occupy her when said long-rime friend takes up his new posting in her home town and moves in not too far from where she lives. The BIG question plaguing her is what this new arrangement might mean for the future.
