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About The Book
This book gives an answer to the U.S. pre-kindergarten through grade 12 academic crises which are undermining our American values our academic excellence and our U.S. global positioning in the worlds of business industry science technology and finance. It begins with a chronological examination of the U.S. American education system from 1635 to today explaining the benefits limitations and damages of new and numerous educational trends fashions fads and dogmas that were supposed to have corrected the education systems deficiencies. It highlights a few of the major critics who exposed the catastrophically declining results bringing attention to the U.S. student lack of reading math and reasoning skills ... thus resulting in millions of children (and adults) being left behind ... lost ... without adequate life-functioning skills! This has not only put these students individually at risk but has put our nation at risk ... in global business science technology and financial competition. Synergistic Academics (a curriculum that not only provides individualized tailored basic skills curriculum but also weaves together world history with American History mathematics language arts introductions to 5 foreign languages biology chemistry earth science physics music appreciation hands-on art research and composition technology engineering and robotics ... all woven together into one tapestry ... for all students (pre-kindergarten through grade 12). It offers a living-breathing patriotic curriculum (proven by 35 years of nationally-standardized test results) that not only corrects the U.S. educational deficiencies but provides the tools students need to aspire to American exceptionalism.