3,00,000 km.5,200 events.10 million volunteers.814 million voters.282 seats.The 2014 elections will be rememberedfor a campaign that captured the publicimagination as never before. At its heartwas Narendra Modi, 63, the feisty chiefminister of Gujarat for thirteen years,bidding to be prime minister. By the endof the campaign, there was scarcelyanyone who had not--on television, radio,social media or at one of his rallies--heardhis message. He too seemed to have grownfrom a regional satrap to a leader with anational stature. Long before the resultswere out, the outcome seemeda foregone conclusion.Behind the ascent to prime minister,though, is a story of tough politicsand hard strategy. In spite of hisachievements, minorities are wary ofhis Hindu nationalist background, andbureaucrats and party colleagues arejittery about his reputation as an autocrat.Most of all, he has never fully been able toexorcize the ghosts of the riots that tookplace on his watch in Gujarat in 2002,leading to doubts among his critics abouthow India's social fabric will fare duringhis term.As he gets down to write a freshchapter in the country's history, ModiDemystified: The Making of a PrimeMinister takes a close-up look at hisrollercoaster ride to power. In the process,senior journalist Ramesh Menon reveals aman of many dimensions who will lead thisdiverse nation.