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About The Book
It takes more than love to sustain a fulfilling and peaceful marriage. Life is not all roses and violets. The commitment to a vision that is bigger than both of you is one of the greatest sustainer of marriages. When my husband came home one day in 2002 with a gun in his hand to shoot our sons to death he then turned the gun on himself. Little did I know what a painful journey awaited me from that day onward. By writing this book God in his unfailing love and daily mercies kept me going to share my journey of healing forgiveness and restoration. May it help you find strength courage and assurance of His love. God shows no favouritism; the comfort and healing I received from Him is available for you too. Marriage is an institution created by God and its a glorious blessing to mankind. Its only when we walk the path without Him or ignore Him that our limited minds and shallow emotions fail us. My story is a testimony of survival by Gods grace. The comfort and healing I received from my Lord was so amazing I needed to share it with the world so we can all know that no matter how unfair life may seem there is a God who cares and sees all that we go through. Dr Mohau Mashigo lives in Pretoria South Africa where she is a medical doctor. She wanted to share her journey of healing and forgiveness with all those having a hard time forgetting the pain in their past. I am truly healed and have forgiven my husband for shooting and killing our children. This is her first book. Publishers website: http: //