I trust if you are holding this book in your hand You believe God, (and maybe dogs), are a part of His plan Or are you just curious, but admit, have not a clue This just may be a journey you're ready to pursue I double dog dare you, leap in faith, perhaps, perchance You may fi nd yourself enraptured, in deep, Divine Romance This just could be your destiny, for these, such troubled times I trust God, (and dogs), will speak to you as you peruse these rhymes Xlibris said,write about your life, in not too many words Now that's a feat for anyone, for most almost absurd And I've really had two lives, one before, one after God That may seem schizophrenic, but it's really not so odd For if you lived, doing your own thing, then met your Lord, it's true You'd have to say you had two lives, the old "man" and the new I'm glad to say the old is gone, the new is all I hold It's Him, living inside of me that makes me brave and bold My Lord and I are partners now, and I, for one, have learned He is The One relationship for which my soul did yearn He is the Captain of my soul, I'm the Co-, you see before I met Him, I confess, that was not Ok with me But now His truth so grips my heart, His peace so fi lls my soul that I have found His presence, with me, completes and makes me whole I'm just like you, make my mistakes, but I'm still free, you see For I repent, He says "Okay, come near, I've set you free" That is my simple paradigm, my poems, His sense, not mine He gets the Glory, I live in Him, that makes my life Divine!