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About The Book
<p><strong>CULT</strong></p><p>Rita Daveed an ex Israeli intelligence officer becomes the business manager and partner of a Hindu mystic Baba Bhang who promotes his somewhat corrupted interpretation of the ancient philosophy of Charvaka: a pursuit of pleasure based on the notion that there are no Gods or afterlife.&nbsp;</p><p>When Rita and Baba open their American ashram in California wine country they find themselves in a real estate conflict with the local winery owners and their industrial backers. The locals say they want to control the area&rsquo;s real estate market to maintain the county&rsquo;s wine country image when in fact their real agenda is something completely different.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>THE RED EMPEROR</strong></p><p>In the mould of the Maltese Falcon The Red Emperor weaves a convoluted tale for the search of who killed Peter Pretty Boy Chen over a seemingly worthless Chinese gift shop souvenir and why a group of misfit grifters are so interested.</p><p>Grist and Dime are at it again but this time it involves the Chinese triads; a tailor that moonlights as a hit man; an ex French DGSE agent that happens to be Detective Dime&rsquo;s boyfriend; and a kooky group of characters right out of central casting. The question is who killed Peter Pretty Boy Chen and why when the prize is only a cheap statute that anyone could pick up at any Chinese souvenir shop?</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>THE REDHEAD RIP-OFF</strong></p><p>Mix a gorgeous redhead with a historic name an old man who happens to be one of the best forgers of Austrian artist Gustav Klimt and the second son of a triad Dragon Head and you&rsquo;ve got a recipe for big money mayhem.&nbsp;</p><p>What could possibly go wrong when an oddball group of grifters attempts to con a Chinese gangster who happens to employ a group of professional confidence artists?</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>THE INCIDENT REPORT</strong></p><p>USAF Major Willard White has a fatal flaw that gets him killed: he tells the truth about an unexplained encounter with an apparent alien presence. Can a disgraced reporter and his beautiful rookie partner get the story out or will it be buried in Special Report 13?</p><p>USAF war hero test pilot Major Willard White knew better than to file an Incident Report about an unexplained encounter while on a test flight but what he didn&rsquo;t realize was the report was going to get him killed. After being threaten by his superiors and a shadowy NSA character White attempts to protect himself by sending the report to a disgraced reporter and his beautiful rookie partner both looking for a career-making story. Getting the story out turns out to be an exercise in maneuvering through a maze of intimidation and dead bodies resulting in an unconventional solution.</p>