Not Your Average Cup of Joe: Rough or fine grind it's your life so make the change one cup of joe at a time.


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About The Book

Worried youre an average Joe? Youre not. Every single person has a unique and admirable quality or many! As the years pass by our eyes once full of life that once sparkled like a childs on Christmas morning now take on a darker hue as life piles on. Moreover as the years with shining promise - of what lies just ahead - fade into a distant memory we wonder whats next. When we were young we were full of anticipation; we couldnt wait to see whats around the corner the next challenge - fully confident that it will bring wonderful possibilities - that their dreams are just within their reach. Sadly statistics tell us that is not always the case with adults. Its common knowledge that many find their lives depressing. Some say its being far from their families or the bleak weather changes. Others point to the many seasonal stresses that pile up life challenges and relationship pitfalls. However when asked many say its a simple fact that their lives havent moved in the direction they had hoped life hasnt turned out as expected or dreamt. They feel stuck in the same place not having accomplished their goals. Sometimes they say theyve lost their motivation that theyll never get anywhere - that sometimes they dont feel like they have what it takes. For people who think that way the promise of opportunity may have lost some of its polish. This inspirational book with real actionable ideas is far more than just words between two covers. In NOT YOUR AVERAGE CUP OF JOE Joseph Braithwaite inspires with his own life story of rising from hardship overcoming adversity and becoming a successful leader how he decided to take charge of his life during the time it took to drink just one cup of coffee. He teaches readers how they can do the same. This book includes real-life examples of successful determined people from within a range of industries that will inspire confidence in every reader and boost your can-do spirit. After reading Not Your Average Cup of Joe says Braithwaite you will be on your first cup to success and you will never consider yourself an average joe again! Not Your Average Cup of Joe makes an excellent gift for anyone on your holiday list or for anyone looking to make a change in their own lives. Aspire to Inspire others
