Of The Seven


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About The Book

In The Modern Day There Are Many In The Christian Nation That Are Trying To Both Extract The Grace Of The Lord As They Approach God In The Attitude Of Israel’S Expression Of That Ancient Day And To Freeze The Frame Of Time In A Reference To Them Only. This Is The Scripture That Has Been Enshrined In That Kind Of Presumptuous Call To Action. Please Note That The Focus Of This Scripture Is The Gospel And Not The Organized Church In The Christian Nation.And He Said Unto Them Go Ye Into All The World And Preach The Gospel To Every Creature. He That Believeth And Is Baptized Shall Be Saved; But He That Believeth Not Shall Be Damned.And These Signs Shall Follow Them That Believe; In My Name Shall They Cast Out Devils; They Shall Speak With New Tongues; They Shall Take Up Serpents; And If They Drink Any Deadly Thing It Shall Not Hurt Them; They Shall Lay Hands On The Sick And They Shall Recover.So Then After The Lord Had Spoken Unto Them He Was Received Up Into Heaven And Sat On The Right Hand Of God.And They Went Forth And Preached Every Where The Lord Working With Them And Confirming The Word With Signs Following. Amen.(Mark 16:15-20)In The Christian Nation’S Correlation Of These Two Pieces Of The Past A Powerful And Primarily Carnal Portion Of The Christian Nation Has Declared That They Are A Modern Empire. In The Same Mold As The Ancient Roman Empire The Christian Empire Has Many Kingdoms That Are Under Its Umbrella. It Is Also Similar To The Collection Of Nations That Was Under The Dominion Of King Nebuchadnezzar In The Ancient Day. We Need To Understand That We Are A Part Of The New Age Kingdom Of God'S Expression In The Earth. This Book Is A Step In Providing That Understanding.
